Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh Forest Department on Wednesday arrested Indian golfer Jyoti Randhawa on poaching charges. The golfer was arrested by UP forest authorities, along with Mahesh Virajdar in Motipur Range of Katarniaghat. He is currently being probed by the DFO Katarniaghat and his team.

The forest department officials seized a .22 rifle, skin of wild boar, binoculars, a gun registered in the golfer's name. He is also said to have killed a jungle fowl on Tuesday. A vehicle has also been seized by the forest department.

Speaking to TOI, Field Director Dudhwa, Ramesh Pandey said that Randhawa, who owns a farm in Motipur in Katarniaghat, was found driving around the forest in his car which was found to be suspicious by the forest department staff.

Randhawa has been one of India's well known golfer on the international circuit winning several international golf events and ranked under top 100 on many occasions between 2004 and 2009. Besides being a top golfer, Randhawa is also the ex-husband of Bollywood actress Citrangadha Singh. The couple parted ways in 2014.