Several people follow him including policemen."I am the centre of attraction. Wherever I go, people come to see me. Police has to provide security," Golden Puri Maharaj from Juna Akhara - as he calls his ashram - told news agency ANI. As per the report, 54-year-old ‘Golden Baba’ was previously a Delhi-based businessman. He moves around in a convoy of expensive cars and Kanwar Yatra costs him around 1 Crore every year.
Also, the ornaments that the baba wore included a collection of 21 gold chains, 21 lockets of deities, a gold jacket, rings on his fingers and a Rs 27 lakh Rolex watch, the report suggests. He also owns a BMW, three Fortuners, two Audi and two Innova vehicles which are part of his cavalcade.