New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar clarified India’s stance on the Russia-Ukraine war by saying that India’s foreign policy is not about sitting on the fence. It is about sitting on one’s ground. Jaishankar was speaking at the GLOBSEC 2022 Bratislava Forum being held in Slovakia on the topic 'Taking Friendship to the Next Level: Allies in the Indo-Pacific Region'.

According to a report by news agency ANI, Jaishamkar said, “I don't think we're sitting on fence, just because I don't agree with you. It means I'm sitting on my ground...what are the big challenges of the world? Climate change,terrorism,security etc. You take any or all challenges some part of the answer comes from India.”

He also talked about India buying Russian oil saying why is it only India funding Russia with oil purchases and not Europe funding Russia by purchasing gas.

“Understand the oil market there is an enormous shortage of oil, there is a physical shortage of oil, access to oil is difficult, a country like India would be crazy to get the oil from somebody else and sell to somebody else, this is nonsense," Jaishankar said. 

"Europe has to grow up out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problem but the world's problems are not Europe's problem, it is you it's yours, it is me it's ours," he added, as per ANI.

“Europe is buying oil, Europe is buying a package of sanctions, it is designed in a way that consideration has been given to the welfare of the population, pipeline have carveouts... if you can be considerate to yourself, you can be considerate to other people. If a Europe says, if we have to manage it in a way impact on the economy is not traumatic, that freedom should exist for other people as well," he said.

Jaishankar further talked about the parallels being drawn between Indo-China relations and the Ukraine-Russia war.

On questions of which axis would India choose to stand with between the US and China, he said, “This is a construct you're trying to impose on India. Don't think it's necessary for India to join any axis. India entitled to make its own choices which will be a balance of its values &interests.”

Jaishankar is currently on a visit to Slovakia and the Czech Republic from June 2 to 6 to impart further momentum to bilateral relations with the two Central European countries.