Police have registered a case on Friday against a woman and three others after she allegedly levelled a "fabricated" gang-rape charge in an attempt to grab property, news agency PTI reported. The National Commission for Women (NCW) has also stated that contradictory statements were made by the woman and her family members.

On Friday, Circle Officer (City-2) Alok Dubey said that the woman and her accomplices Azad, Afzal and Gaurav have been booked under Indian Penal Code sections 420 (cheating and dishonestly inducing delivery of property), 467 (forgery of valuable security), 468 (forgery for purpose of cheating) and 471 (fraudulently or dishonestly using as genuine any document which the person knows or has reason to believe to be forged), PTI reported. 

Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal on Wednesday had said that the 36-year-old woman was found wrapped in a jute bag, with her hands and legs tied, and an iron rod was inserted in her private parts.

Police on Thursday deemed the Delhi woman's claim to be "false" in a surprising development in the Ghaziabad "gang-rape" case. Earlier this week, the woman alleged that five men kidnapped and gang-raped her for two days. Police asserted that the woman concocted the tale to seize possession of property that she was at odds with the accused over.

ALSO READ: Ghaziabad: Woman's Gang-Rape Claim 'False', Story Cooked Up To Grab Property, Say Police

Following the woman's allegation, Ghaziabad police said on Wednesday that four people had been taken into custody out of the initial five suspects.

During a press conference on Thursday, when asked if a clean chit will be given to the four of them, Inspector General, Meerut, Praveen Kumar, said, "We have not got any evidence against them...Prima facie, in this case, no such incident has taken place. So, there is no question of getting evidence." On the women's claim that she was kidnapped, the officer had said," No. She had gone to a designated place at her own will." Chats analysed by police also show that money was also paid to individuals to publicise the case, PTI quoted him as saying. 

The woman claimed she was raped for two days by five men.

On Thursday, Inspector General Kumar also stated that during the investigation, it was discovered that Azad's phone was turned off around the time the woman allegedly vanished.

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He stated that the property dispute was over a "small" property.

"A woman named Sameena gave the property to Azad in 2021 who in turn gave its power of attorney to a man named Deepak Joshi. There was talk about giving this property to the Delhi woman. The case regarding this was going on in the court, the officer said, PTI reported. 

Officials at Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital said on Wednesday that the woman's condition is stable and that no internal injuries have been discovered.

According to Nipun Agarwal, Superintendent of Police (City-I) Ghaziabad, the victim claimed that after raping her, the accused inserted an iron rod in her private part, but she refused to be medically examined at a Meerut hospital.

"Doctors then referred her to the Meerut Medical college for treatment but she refused to go there as well. The woman was then taken to a Delhi hospital," the SP had said, PTI reported. 

(With Inputs From PTI)