Uttar Pradesh: At the time when the political fever in the state of Uttar Pradesh is at its peak, shocking 'kidnapping' of 11-year-old Aashi, who is missing from past three days has shaken the nerves of Ghaziabad. Aashi was found missing from the house after her mother left her locked inside, when she went to get her younger sister from school. 

Aashi’s mother had locked her in the house, and went to pick up her younger sister from school, but to her surprise she was not at home when the mother returned.

The CCTV footage of outside the house is being examined by the police.

According to the girl’s mother, two men could be seen driving towards the house on a bike in the CCTV footage; and a lady could be seen sitting between two men after they left from her house.

The helpless mother is now seeking help from Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav and is urging him to an action, and get her daughter home.

It is now see if the Chief Minister would now step in and help the mother find her 11-year-old daughter.

A police complaint has been lodged and the cops have initiated a probe.