New Delhi: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, who arrived in the national capital on a two-day visit to India starting Monday, praised India on several aspects and stressed that the nation will have a decisive influence on shaping the international order in the 21st century.

The statement came ahead of the German Foreign Minister's talks with her Indian counterpart S Jaishankar.

“India will have a decisive influence in shaping the international order in the 21st century, especially in the Indo-Pacific, said the German Foreign Minister, according to news agency PTI.

“Visiting India is like visiting a sixth of the world. As early as next year, India will overtake China as the most populous country in the world," she said.

'Mobility Agreement, Economy & Security To Remain Focus'  

Baerbock also described as "impressive" India managing to lift more than 400 million people out of absolute poverty in the last 15 years, and said, "It shows that social plurality, freedom, and democracy are a motor for economic development, peace, and stability."

"Working on this together with strengthening human rights is also our task," Baerbock said in a statement on her visit to India. That we want to strengthen economic and security policy cooperation with India beyond strategic partnership are not empty words, she added.

Both countries will also sign a mobility agreement "that will make it easier for our people to study, do research and work in each other's country," the Foreign Minister said.  

Lauding India’s role at the recent Bali summit, the Minister said, "At the G20 summit in Bali, India showed that it is ready to play its role globally. The clearer positioning of the G20 against the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is ultimately also thanks to India."

"As an emerging economic power and a solid democracy, India is both a role model and a bridge for many countries in the world, despite all the internal social challenges. And a natural partner of Germany," she added.

ALSO READ: German Foreign Minister Begins Two-Day Visit To India, Ties With China & Ukraine Conflict To Top Agenda