New Delhi: AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Friday said slammed the Rajasthan government and CM Ashok Gehlot saying that he can attend the Bharat Jodo Yatra, a Royal wedding but cannot go to the place where Junaid and Nasir were killed. He said that no action is being taken against those who spread hatred against the Muslim community.

"Some are spreading hatred against the Muslim community but no action against them. Rajasthan Govt can attend  Bharat  Jodo across the country, Royal wedding in Alwar but they can't go to the place where Junaid & Nasir were killed (sic)," Owaisi said, quoted ANI.

Earlier, talking about the Bhiwani incident where two men were allegedly thrashed and burnt alive in a car, he said, "if Junaid, & Naseer could be burnt alive then who is Asaduddin Owaisi."

Owaisi was speaking about the incident where his house was vandalised in the national capital by some miscreants recently.

Speaking to ANI, he said, "I do not know who was involved in this. I was in Bharatpur, Rajasthan to meet families of Junaid & Naseer. A written complaint was given regarding this incident but in India, if Junaid & Naseer could be burnt alive then who is Asaduddin Owaisi."

Responding to a question on regional parties' unity against the BJP, Owaisi claimed that the saffron party will lose the elections in Telangana scheduled later this year, in the way it lose the 2014 and 2018 elections.

"In Telangana, BJP lost the 2014 and 2018 elections. This year also, in December 2023, BJP will lose the Telangana elections again. Give us some credit for that," he added, reported ANI.

Owaisi made it clear that his party will contest the 2024 Lok Sabha elections from Aurangabad, and other seats in Maharashtra and will also look into a possible alliance with other parties. However, Owaisi did not say which party he would like to form an alliance with adding, that 'it is a bit early' for the same.

"We will contest the next Lok Sabha elections from Aurangabad & other seats & we will look into the possibility of an alliance with some other parties. It's a bit early to comment on with whom we will go in the next elections," Owaisi was quoted as saying by ANI.