Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP from East Delhi and former cricketer, Gautam Gambhir, has alleged that he received a 'second death threat' from ‘ISIS Kashmir’, reported ANI. Gambhir approached the Delhi police regarding the same. The police said that the cricketer-turned-politician also shared video footage from outside his residence with them.
"BJP MP & former Cricketer Gautam Gambhir has allegedly received a second death threat from 'ISIS Kashmir'. A video containing footage from outside his residence is also attached with the threat e-mail," said the Delhi Police to ANI.
The Deputy Commissioner of Police for Central District, Shweta Chauhan had earlier said, “Gautam Gambhir has received death threats from 'ISIS Kashmir' through e-mail. Security has been beefed up outside Gambhir's residence."
In a letter accessed by TOI, dated 23/11/2021 from Gautam Gambhir’s office, which is addressed to DCP Daryaganj reads as below:
“This is further to our telecom, we have received an e-mail from ISIS-Kashmir on the official mail ID of Hon’ble MP sir today evening at 9:32 pm. The mail states death threats to MP sir and his family.
I, therefore request your good self to kindly look into the matter and make adequate security arrangements and lodge an FIR”
On Saturday Gambhir had slammed Navjot Singh Sidhu for his statement that Imran Khan is his brother. Gambhir said that “Sidhu should first send his children to the borders and then call the head of a terrorist state his big brother.”