Discarding Pakistan's statement on hosting the G20 event in Jammu and Kashmir, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha extended his deepest gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for granting the historic opportunity to host the G20 meeting in the region. Sinha lauded PM Modi's decision, emphasizing the significance it holds for Jammu and Kashmir.

"G20 presidency is a matter of pride for us. The presence of UN representatives here indicates that the world wants India to host such event," Manoj Sinha, Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, said to a question posed by a foreign journalist on Pakistan saying India "abusing" G20 presidency with Kashmir meet.

In his statement, LG highlighted the commitment of Jammu and Kashmir to promoting sustainable tourism. He further noted that the ongoing working group meeting currently taking place in the region boasts the highest attendance to date. A total of 59 delegates from 27 countries are actively participating in the working group meeting.

"Our aim has been to elevate tourism in Jammu and Kashmir while ensuring the preservation of our environment," Lieutenant Governor Sinha stated. He emphasized the substantial contribution of the tourism industry, which currently accounts for 7% of the region's GDP.

Confident in the progress being made, Sinha expressed his unwavering belief that under the guidance of Prime Minister Modi, Jammu and Kashmir is moving toward a future marked by peace and prosperity. He cited the strengthening of grassroots democracy and the establishment of a three-tier governance system as evidence of positive development within the region.

Highlighting the vibrant media landscape in Jammu and Kashmir, Lieutenant Governor revealed that over 400 newspapers are published in the region, contributing to a dynamic and independent media presence.

Addressing the issue of showcasing the picturesque Gulmarg to the G20 delegates, Lieutenant Governor Sinha acknowledged logistical challenges that prevented their visit this time. However, he assured that arrangements would be made for those interested in experiencing the beauty of the area.

Economic Growth In Jammu And Kashmir

Speaking on the economic front, Lieutenant Governor Sinha referred to Jammu and Kashmir as an aspirational destination, witnessing the registration of startups every second day. He shared that over 7.7 lakh entrepreneurs have already registered, averaging 527 new registrations each day. Additionally, he highlighted the establishment of one new industry every day and the digital tools underpinning the governance system.

Lieutenant Governor Sinha emphasized the digital transformation taking place in Jammu and Kashmir, citing an impressive 2.3 million electronic transactions in the first four months of the year, surpassing many other states in the country. He attributed the increased speed of project implementation, tenfold since 2019, to the government's efforts and highlighted the focus on building a robust rural infrastructure.

The Lieutenant Governor also proudly announced that Jammu and Kashmir had risen to the fifth position in the income rankings of farmers, thanks to the government's initiatives over the past three years. He celebrated the aspirations of 6 lakh women entrepreneurs in the region who are striving to achieve global success.

Lieutenant Governor Sinha acknowledged the positive impact of Geographical Indication (GI) tagging on the handloom and handicraft sectors, which has led to a rise in exports. He further mentioned the ongoing infrastructure projects worth 1.5 lakh crore, symbolizing Jammu and Kashmir's commitment to development and progress.