Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Friday that the workers in the Bharatiya Janata Party are the real strength of the party. "The fundamental strength of the BJP is its worker, and worker is a party post (in BJP) who always remains with us," PM Modi said. While addressing zila panchayat members, PM Modi urged the members to create a WhatsApp group and remain in touch with each other. "I would want that all of you create a WhatsApp group and remain in touch with each other. Tell others what (development) is happening in your district and get to know about others too," says PM Modi said.

"We believe in organization, we believe in values, we believe in dedication and we move forward with collective responsibility," the prime minister also said.

During his address, PM Modi asked the zila panchayat members to select three social problems in a year and give four months to each of them. "Select three (social) problems in a year and give four months to each of them; decide that we will work on this along with the departmental work. You will see that you will end up solving 15 such problems easily in five years," PM Modi said.

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