Srinagar: A jawan of Indian Army has embarked on a world record feat of running solo from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. 

Naik NA Velu P of 60 Para Field Hospital, an Ultra marathoner, is attempting a Guinness Book of World Record by running from Kashmir to Kanyakumari for a distance of approx 4300 km under50 days. 

To start this epic feat, on 1 Apr 2021 in the wee hours, Naik NA Velu P was flagged off from 92 Base Hospital at Srinagar with a heartwarming gathering of enthusiasts who accompanied him in his solo run for the initial 5KMs carrying the National Flag and boosting his morale. 

To cover this mammoth distance from Kashmir to Kanyakumari in 50 days Nk NA Velu P would be running 70-100 KMs per day crossing various States and major towns and cities.

Nk NA Velu P has already won many ultra-marathons, Tuffman runs and Stadium runs across India.

He has been representing Athletics federation of India (AFI) in long distance runs for the past 4 years and in coming September 2021, he will be representing India for Stadium run at the World championship at Romania, for which he had won a trial run of 24 hr stadium running held at Bengaluru. 

In another laurel to his splendid performances till date, in June 2020 he ran 1600 km in 17 days. This feat is in the process of being entered as an Asian record.