New Delhi: McDonald’s which a leading food chain has made space in the Indian market and also on Indian taste buds. In a shocking incident, a Kolkata based woman found a dead, deep fried lizard in her McDonald’s fries.

Kolkata resident Priyanka Moitra was disgusted and shocked on seeing the lizard in her food.

Image courtesy: ANI

She complained of a lizard in her McDonald's food on Tuesday, 28th February and therafter lodged an FIR with police reporting the matter.

The woman later told that she is expecting and is 6 months pregnant. “I am 6-months pregnant, what if my children or we ate the food with that fried lizard?” The woman has accused the restaurant of showing “a lot of negligence”.

Image courtesy: ANI

The food chain has now come out and addressed the matter. A statement has been issued by McDonald’s on Friday saying, “Taking situation seriously; launched thorough investigation immediately upon being aware of complaint”: