New Delhi: Firebrand Hindutva leader Sadhvi Prachi has once again spewed inflammatory remarks. This time she has asked Muslim women to marry Hindu men and embrace the Hindu religion so that they can unshackle themselves from the controversial practices of triple talaq and nikah halala.

“Muslim girls should marry Hindu boys in order to get rid of nikah halala and triple talaq. Maulvis who are forcing them to do sould be slapped,” Sadhvi told reporters in Mathura.

The practice of Nikah-Halala requires a divorced woman to marry some other person, consummate the marriage and then obtain a divorce in order to again marry her first husband under the Muslim personal law.

Meanwhile, Sadhvi also answered questions on the Ram temple issue. “The Ram Mandir is not a political issue but a subject of faith to crores of Indians. The Ram mandir is ours and no one can snatch it from us. It will be built in 2019.”

Regarding elections next year, Sadhvi claimed Congress party would not get majority and hence, Rahul Gandhi should think about getting married.

“The inappropriate decisions taken by Rahul Gandhi will not get Congress majority. The party should be making efforts in getting Rahul Gandhi married,” the VHP leader said.

Commenting on trade ties between India and Pakistan, Sadhvi said the neighbouring nation does not understand politeness and needs to be dealt harshly.