New Delhi: At least two civilians and four army personnel have been killed after being buried under the snow following an avalanche at the Siachen Glacier on Monday. Earlier it was reported that Eight personnel operating in Northern Sector of Siachen Glacier at an altitude of 19,000 feet were hit by an avalanche today.

Avalanche Rescue Teams from nearby posts rushed to the location. All 8 personnel were pulled out of avalanche debris.  Seven individuals who were critically injured, accompanied by medical teams were evacuated by helicopters to nearest Military Hospital.

Despite best efforts, six casualties, which include four soldiers and two civilian porters succumbed to extreme hypothermia.

"The soldiers were part of a patrol. They had been trapped at a height of between 18,000 and 19,000 feet above sea level after they were hit by a snow avalanche," a senior Army officer told IANS.

The avalanche had hit the Army positions in the northern glacier at around 3:30 pm today. The altitudes in the northern glacier are around 18,000 feet and above.

The Army personnel hit by the avalanche were part of a patrolling party consisting eight persons and were in the northern glacier when the incident happened.

Sources said that the patrolling party, including porters, were evacuating another person who had fallen sick at his post.

All possible efforts are being made by the force to recover the troops from under the snow where the temperatures below minus 30 degrees are common during the winters.

Siachen Glacier is the world's highest battlefield and more troops have been killed in weather and terrain-related incidents in the area than in enemy firing.

India has deployed troops in its territory since 1984, after Pakistan tried to usurp the glacier by sending its troops and mountaineering expeditions in the area.