New Delhi: Former Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath stirred up a fresh controversy after he allegedly threatened officers of police administration ahead of the state assembly election to be held this year. According to ANI, while addressing a public rally in the state, the former CM said, "Acha Hisab Liya Jaaega" within eight months as elections are approaching.
"Elections will be held in eight months and I want to tell everyone not to be aggressive or fearful. All the police officers should listen with their ears open that everybody's account will be taken in the upcoming elections," said Kamal Nath, as per ANI.
Reacting to Kamal Nath's statement, Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) Spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla said that Kamal Nath has shown his undemocratic emergency mindset.
He further said that this wasn't the first time Kamal Nath tried to intimidate police officers and the administration.
"This is not the first time Kamal Nath has tried to intimidate the police officers and the administration. In August 2021, he made similar statements. We also remember the 'Aag Laga do' statement," Poonawalla said.
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Poonawalla, while taking a jibe at Congres, said that the party has always believed in an emergency mindset, in intimidation, revenge, and vendetta politics.
"This kind of mindset displays that it is not 'Mohabbat Ki Dukan' but 'Dhamki ki Dukaan'. Congress has always believed in an emergency mindset, in intimidation, revenge, and vendetta politics. This is what the party is exactly displaying in Madhya Pradesh as well", said Shehzad Poonawalla according to ANI.
Citing open threats given by the former Madhya Pradesh CM Kamal Nath to police officers and administration, Poonawalla questioned if this is the situation when the Congress party is out of power, what would the condition be when they by mistake come to power.
"Congress leader Rahul Gandhi should further answer if the party supports such statements or condemns it," said Shehzad Poonawalla.