In a bid to stop her from speaking further, Siddaramaiah snatched the microphone from her and asked to her leave the premises. While doing so, the woman’s dupatta also came off.
The incident landed Siddaramaiah in an invidious position with the BJP immediately latching onto the issue and accusing him of “outraging the woman’s modesty by pulling her dupatta”.The party has said the Congress should issue an apology and take immediate action against Siddaramaiah for his inappropriate gesture.
Certain regional channels state that the woman is a Congress worker and was upset about not being informed by the party about Siddaramaiah's visit to Mysuru.
The incident comes hours after the animosity between the Congress and the JDS in Karnataka reached a new high with Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy threatening to step down. (WATCH VIDEO)
It also comes in the immediate wake of two top leaders of the BJP and the Congress from Karnataka getting into a bitter exchange on Twitter . (READ)
Siddaramaiah’s son Yathindra is an elected MLA from Varuna.