New Delhi: Delhi Police, with the help of security agencies, arrested a driver working in Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) for passing confidential and sensitive information to Pakistan. The driver was honey-trapped by Pakistan intelligence agency ISI, news agency ANI reported.

Police and intelligence agencies began a probe to find whether more employees working at the MEA are involved in the case. However, official word from the MEA is awaited.

According to a report by Times Now, the MEA driver was arrested from Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan on Friday. He had been transferring confidential information and documents in lieu for money to a Pakistani spy who was pretending to be a woman named Poonam Sharma or Pooja.

It is to be noted that earlier in August this year, a 46-year-old man was arrested from Delhi by Rajasthan Police for allegedly spying for Pakistan. The man got the Indian citizenship in 2016.

The spy, identified as Bhagchand, was born in Pakistan and had come to Delhi along with his family in 1998. The 46-year-old had obtained Indian citizenship in 2016 and started working as a taxi driver and labourer in Delhi. Bhagchand was in touch with his handlers through his relatives in Pakistan, as per the report.

Earlier in October, a 50-year-old Chinese woman, who claimed to be a 'Buddhist monk', was arrested by Delhi police on suspicion of being a Chinese spy.

According to news agency IANS, the woman, identified as Cai Ruo, is a "well-trained and cunning individual who tried to mislead the investigators by claiming that Chinese Communist leaders wanted to kill her and therefore, she fled to India".

She had been living in India as "Dola Lama, a Nepalese national".

Later, on verification, the police came to know that she had a Chinese passport issued in her name and she had been living in India on the basis of that passport.