Kolkata: West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankar spoke to ABP Ananda exclusively on range of issues including the political scenario in the state, crticism of his security, his visit to different places and the most talked about him being sidelined by the Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee during the Durga Puja festival. Speaking about the importance of role of Governor in smooth running of a state and its administration, Dhankar said, "One cannot work for the people sitting at Raj Bhavan. To be of service for the people one has to go amongst them. You have to listen to the problems faced by the people."

When asked about his views on Opposition criticising him for his recent visit to Siliguri, Dhankar said he was taken aback when the minister question his visit to Siliguri. "I want to remind them that I am not a tourist. I do not do anything by crossing the Laxam Rekha," he said.

In September, Dhankhar visited Siliguri to inaugurate the newly constructed building of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and also expressed his desire to interact with the district administration and lawmakers of Darjeeling district. However, most of the MLAs and MPs stayed away from the meeting citing ‘unavoidable reasons’.

The Governor also spoke about him getting Z plus security after an order was passed by the Union Home Ministry. "A minister commented on my security. I don't understand why he made such a comment. A Governor's post is not ornamental," he said. A fresh war of words erupted last week when TMC Minister Subrata Mukherjee criticised Dhankar for seeking a security cover upgrade without consulting the state.

Further speaking about his analysis of the Opposition parties in the state, Dhankar said, "For me there is no difference between the ruling part and opposition party. Raj Bhavans door is open for all. I will try to meet Mamata during Bhai Phota (Bhai Duu). I think Mamata is an able CM. I have not come here to fight."