Patna: At least one person was killed and two others were injured in firing by Nepal Police in Bihar's Sitamarhi near the India-Nepal border on Friday. As per reports, the Nepal border police troops fired at the people "deep inside Nepalese territory" adjoining Sitamarhi district. Sources have informed that and Indian national Laagan Yadav (45), has been taken into custody by the Nepal border police. ALSO READ | Trembling Bilateral Ties: Nepal PM KP Sharma Oli Again Blames India For Spread Of Coronavirus

Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) Director General (DG) Kumar Rajesh Chandra told news agency PTI in Delhi that the incident took place around 8:40 am inside Nepalese territory. The situation is normal now and "our local commanders immediately got in touch with our Nepalese counterparts APF", Chandra said.

The incident took place between locals and the Armed Police Force (APF) of Nepal. Preliminary reports states that the confrontation began when APF troops objected to the presence of Laagan Yadav's daughter-in-law in their area after they saw her talking to some people from India

As per officials, Vikesh Yadav (22), who suffered a bullet injury in the abdomen area, has succumbed, while Uday Thakur (24) and Umesh Ram (18) are injured and admitted to a private hospital in Sitamarhi, which is around 85 kilometers from Bihar capital Patna.

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There are relations between locals on either side of this border and as the front is not fenced, people move around to meet their family members. Officials said that APF personnel objected to this meeting following which there was a heated argument between the two sides and later, about 75-80 Indians gathered at the spot.

APF has claimed that they first fired in the air to disperse the crowd and fearing snatching of their weapons, they later initiated aimed fire in which three people got hit. It is being said that the incident area is between Jankinagar of Sitamarhi district and Sarlahi in Nepal.

Senior officials of the local police, administration and the SSB are at the spot. The area is guarded by the 51st battalion of the SSB and it falls under border pillar number 319. The SSB is tasked to guard the 1,751 km open India-Nepal border.