New Delhi: National Conference President Farooq Abdullah warned the Jammu & Kashmir administration to be prepared to tackle the third Covid-19 wave.

The PTI quoted Abdullah as saying, “I hope the incumbent administration is ready to tackle the imminent third wave because they have learned their lessons from the first and second COVID wave, which had battered J&K. I hope the imminent third wave is not treated casually.”

Abdullah’s statement came after the covid-19 cases in J&K have soared up to 10 times in the past 10 days, reported news agency PTI. The administration has made 12 containment zones in Jammu as the covid-19 cases have reached 588.

“The COVID cases in Jammu and Kashmir have risen by 10 times over the past 10 days, which has necessitated strict observance of CAB, COVID SOPs and protocols and curtailment of unnecessary movement by the general public,” a senior health official told PTI.

In order to curb the spread of coronavirus, restrictions were imposed that has been extended till further notice, reported news agency ANI. It includes a complete restriction on non-essential movement during weekends and a night curfew. The night curfew is in place from 9 PM to 6 AM with complete restriction on non-essential movement. 

To deal with the load on the health facilities, the Government Medical College (GMC) and associated hospitals in Jammu have suspended the routine surgeries except for cancer and emergency surgeries, reported PTI.