New Delhi:  National Conference President and former chief minister Farooq Abdullah on Saturday said that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India as he reiterated demands for restoration of its statehood. 

"Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. The people of J&K belong to this nation. We want statehood to be restored & elections to be held," he said.

According to ANI, he told the press that he didn’t know why elections were not being held in Jammu and Kashmir.

“It is very strange”.

Farooq called the Centre’s decision to downgrade J&K from state to a union territory a “tragedy”. 

"First time in the history of the nation, a proud state was reduced to a UT, it was a tragedy," the NC chief said.

He stressed that India is a democratic nation where the laws of the constitution should be adhered to by everyone.

As per ANI, when he was asked by the media why elections weren’t being held in J&K, he remarked he didn’t have magical powers to answer this question. “I do not have the magical wand to tell the media why elections are not being held here. Do not ask me this question".

Farooq Abdullah said that the delegation of opposition leaders will meet national leaders in Delhi very soon: "We will decide whether the delegation will call on Prime Minister Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah".

He slammed the BJP-led Union government for failing to deliver the 50,000 jobs it had promised to the youth of the UT. “How many jobs have you delivered? ”

"Youth in Kashmir are being forced to move outside for job opportunities. Don't they have a right to employment here?" he asked.

Farooq took a dig at the Modi-led government over its bulldozer politics and the property tax that is being imposed in J&K.

He alleged that the youth of Kashmir were languishing in different jails across India, “We don’t know their whereabouts”. 

“We will raise such issues when we meet the national leaders. We will also raise these issues in the Parliament.”

"We want to seek a solution to solve the problems of our people," he said.