Farmers-Centre Meet: The meeting between the Centre and the farmers which continued over seven hours, remained largely inconclusive and another round of discussion is scheduled on December 5.  After the meeting, Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar said that several points were raised by the farmers and government tried to address their concerns, while, the farmers who seemed far from being convinced said that they will pressurize the government for a complete rollback in the next round of talks.

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Rakesh Tikait, the spokesperson said  after the meeting that talks have made a little progress. “The government has given indications over MSP and it seemed that their stand over MSP will be fine," he said.

Addressing media, Agriculture Minister Tomar said that farmers are concerned over a number of issues like APMC, MSP and the stubble-burning ordinance.

“Farmers are concerned that the new laws will end APMCs. Govt will contemplate about seeing that APMC is further strengthened and its usage increases. New laws lay down provision for private mandis outside purview of APMC. So, we'll also contemplate about having an equal tax for pvt as well as mandis under AMPC Act.

“They (agitating farmers) also expressed their concerns over an Ordinance on stubble burning and the Act on electricity. The government is open to consider and discuss these issues as well, Tomar said.

“In the new Act, it has been provided that farmers can take their grievances to SDM court. Farmers' Unions feel that SDM court is a lower court and they should be allowed to go the court. Government will consider this demand,” Tomar said.

People have reservations on MSP (Minimum Support Price). I would like to reiterate that the MSP system will continue and we will assure farmers about it, Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar.

They (agitating farmers) also expressed their concerns over an Ordinance on stubble burning and the Act on electricity. The govt is open to consider and discuss these issues as well, he said.

Farmers remain firm on complete rollback of farm laws:

After the meeting, several farmers’ representatives remained firm over their demand of complete retraction of the contentious laws, while a section seemed hopeful of a breakthrough in the next round of talks.

“The issue is about the complete roll back of laws. Not only one but discussions will also be held on several issues. Farmers want that the laws be taken back. Government wants to talk about MSP and amendment to the Acts,” Rakesh Tikait, Spokesperson, Bharatiya Kisan Union said.

"We listed all drawbacks before govt, they had to admit that there are drawbacks and they'll make amendments. We said we don't want amendments but  withdrawal of laws. We also demanded that MSP be implemented for certain and law should be made for it," Baldev Singh Sirsa, another farmer leader said.

"We are hopeful. The laws are wrong. In the next meeting, we will put pressure on the government. They will have to say that they will take back the laws, said Harjinder Singh Tanda of Azaad Kisan Sangharsh Committee.