Shimla: Three persons have been arrested after being found in possession of fake currency notes worth Rs 1.12 lakh, police said Saturday.
The counterfeit currency notes were recovered from an Alto car, bearing registration number HP 33 T 9486 at a check post near Fagu Bridge in Kullu district, said Superintendent of Police Shalini Agnihotri.
She said the arrested persons have been identified as Panna Lal, Dalip and Sanjeev of separate villages of the district.
The police have registered a case and investigating it, she said, adding they are trying to track down the source of the fake currency notes.
Fake currency notes worth Rs 1.12 lakh recovered, three arrested
Updated at:
09 Mar 2019 07:45 PM (IST)
The police have registered a case and investigating it, she said, adding they are trying to track down the source of the fake currency notes.
The counterfeit currency notes were recovered from an Alto car, bearing registration number HP 33 T 9486 at a check post near Fagu Bridge in Kullu district, said Superintendent of Police Shalini Agnihotri.(Image: PTI)
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