The officials informed that when the incident took place, more than 66 workers were in the unit that is situated in the Tarapur chemical zone.
Reportedly, around 11.30 am, smoke was detected coming out of the building and then a huge blast followed, killing 2 persons and injuring one.
Normally the sanitizer factory operates with a staff of 250 people but because of the lockdown situation, the management was permitted to have 105 workers and management personnel to work at the factory.
The accident is now under police investigation.
In the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic, hand washes and sanitizers have been in huge demand as doctors recommend washing hands frequently and if unable to do so, use a sanitizer to sanitize hands. So, the unit was allowed to operate to manufacture the essential items.
Palghar district collector had given permission to continue the manufacturing of necessary medical products like masks, hand wash, sanitizers and other items essential for hygiene as people require them to fight the coronavirus outbreak.
Watch: Maharashtra carves in three Covid-19 risk zones.