New Delhi: After disappearing from limelight for 16 years, former Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni exclusively reveals details about what made her quit the glamour industry at the peak of her career and bond with an international drug merchant since then.

For the first time in 16 years, Mamta has faced the camera from Kenya and divulged about turning into a ‘yogini’ to ABP News’ Investigative Editor Sheela Raval. This is a true story that’s never been revealed before.

In the in-depth interview, 44-year-old Mamta talks about how she first met flamboyant drug smuggler Vijaygiri Goswami alias Vicky Goswami at a party in Dubai. Vicky owned a hotel in Dubai named Dreamland where he used to host lavish parties and that’s where he was awe-struck with Mamta. After chasing her unsuccessfully for a couple of years, the starlet herself one day decided to shift to Dubai. Vicky was then locked in jail. In Dubai, she led a reclusive but a simple life. “My spiritual guru Chaitanya Gagangiri Nath advised me the right time to go to Dubai in 2000 and meet Vicky. Vicky had then called me up and said that he was about to die.”

Despite being successful, Mamta says she was never attracted to the dazzling world of Bollywood. But hers was a controversial roller-coaster ride that lived for a short span. “It was under my mother’s influence and pressure; I joined films and pursued acting. I was a reluctant actress and I don’t regret quitting the film world”

Like in the past, Mamta has vehemently denied any involvement of her boyfriend or of her in running a drug cartel in India, especially in the Thane region where recently the police had busted a huge drug racket.

When asked about if she still watches Bollywood movies, Mamta said:”The last movie I saw was Munnabhai.”

Currently she’s penned a book which discloses her life’s experiences and spiritual practices. “All my spiritual experiences and practices are documented in a detailed autobiography of a yogini.”

Recalling her last visit to India, Mamta says,” I visited Kumbh in 2013. I also took a dip in the Ganges in Hardiwar in the year 2012. I want to return to India but the almighty can only decide on it”