New Delhi: Former Punjab Congress Chief Navjot Singh Sidhu will be released from Patiala jail on Tuesday, April 1. The official handle of the leader put out the confirmation in a tweet, "This is to inform everyone that Sardar Navjot Singh Sidhu will be released from Patiala Jail tomorrow. (As informed by the concerned authorities)."
Sidhu was sentenced to one-year imprisonment by the Supreme Court in a 1988 road rage death case and was brought to Patiala jail after he surrendered.
"He (Navjot Singh Sidhu) has surrendered himself before Chief Judicial Magistrate. He is under judicial custody. Medical examination and other legal procedures will be adopted," Surinder Dalla, media advisor to Sidhu had told ANI in May, last year.
Notably, the Congress leader was acquitted in connection with the culpable homicide charges but was convicted for voluntarily causing hurt. The court had imposed a fine of Rs 1,000 on him. His associate, Rupinder Singh Sandhu, was acquitted in the case, reported ANI.
On September 22, 199, the Sessions Court Judge of Patiala had acquitted Sidhu and his associate, due to lack of evidence in the case and giving the benefit of the doubt. The verdict was challenged by the victim's families before the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
The high court in 2006 convicted and sentenced Sidhu to three years imprisonment. Following the development, Sidhu filed an appeal before the apex court challenging this order. The top court on December 27, 1988, held that Sidhu allegedly beat Gurnam Singh on his head, leading to his death.
Earlier on January 26 this year, several Punjab Congress lawmakers chastised the AAP administration for not releasing Navjot Singh Sidhu prematurely from a Patiala prison.
Former Punjab Congress head Shamsher Singh Dullo, former MP Mohinder Singh Kaypee, and former MLAs Ashwani Sekhri, Navtej Singh Cheema, and Rajinder Singh assembled in Patiala to oppose the AAP government at Sidhu's residence. Many people anticipated Sidhu to be one of 50 inmates who would be granted special clemency on Republic Day.