New Delhi: Suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma has reportedly been granted a gun licence. Her remarks on Prophet Muhammed during a TV debate triggered protests and violence last year, 

She has been given the licence to carry a firearm for her protection, news agency IANS reported sources in Delhi Police as saying on Thursday.

In her application, Nupur Sharma told the police that she was receiving death threats and needed a pistol to carry.

The former BJP spokesperson recently moved a plea before the licensing unit of the Delhi Police requesting that her life was in danger and she needed a gun to carry around the clock for self-defense. The police unit after weighing opinions and understanding the gravity of the matter allowed her plea, as per the report.

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During a TV debate last year, her controversial comments on Prophet Mohammed led to violence and drew criticism from other countries. The BJP suspended her from the post of party spokesperson. 

In September last year, the Supreme Court declined to entertain a plea seeking Nupur Sharma's arrest for her remarks. A bench, headed by the then Chief Justice U.U. Lalit told the petitioner's counsel that such a decision has far-reaching consequences.

The bench, also comprising Justices S. Ravindra Bhat and P.S. Narasimha, told the counsel, "we would suggest you to withdraw".

After a brief hearing in the matter, the petitioner's counsel withdrew the petition and the top court dismissed the case as withdrawn.

On August 10, 2022, the Supreme Court transferred all FIRs against Nupur Sharma over her remarks on the Prophet to Delhi Police. The top court gave her the liberty to approach the Delhi High Court for quashing of the FIRs.

(With Agency Inputs)