New Delhi: A day after cyber expert Syed Shuja during an event in UK claimed that the 2014 elections were "rigged" through the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs); which were hacked; Bharatiya Janta Party on Tuesday addressed media and called it “Congress’ false agenda”. Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad while addressing media said “The Man Asish Ray, who was speaking at the event, is a writer for National Herald and he is active on social media as pro-Congress campaigner.”

The Union Minister further questioned the presence of Congress leader Kapil Sibal at the event saying, “What was Kapil Sibal doing at the event?”

Speaking on the allegations stating Union Minister Gopinath Munde was aware of the EVM hacking and therefore was killed; Prasad said “The AIIMS’ doctor who conducted Munde’s autopsy asserted at several news channels on Monday that I conducted Munde’s post mortem and he died due to neck injury, which occurred due to an accident”.

He further said that “We were not in power ahead of 2014, how were we even capable of hacking EVMs”?

The Union Minister further lashed out at Congress saying, “Congress questioning the credibility of voting is an insult to the decision taken by the voters of our country.”