New Delhi: Dismissing Pakistan's demand for 'concrete evidence' against Jamaat-ud- Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed's involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack, India on Thursday said all evidences are already in Islamabad and all it needs is the "requisite" political will to take action.

"The entire conspiracy in the Mumbai terror attack is (and) was hatched in Pakistan. All the terrorists came from Pakistan. All the planning was done in Pakistan. All the support was rendered from Pakistan. So, all the evidence to implicate the mastermind of Mumbai terror attack is already available in Pakistan.

The so called concrete evidences that Pakistan establishments is looking for is already available in Pakistan. All they need to find the requisite political way," MEA official spokesperson Vikas Swarup said. India's response came after Pakistan snubbed its demand of a credible crackdown on Saeed, stating that it does not need any endorsement from New Delhi over actions against the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks mastermind.

A spokesperson for the Interior Ministry on Wednesday said that Pakistan does not need any certification or endorsement from India over the recent actions it has taken in relation to Hafiz Saeed, while reacting to the statement of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) regarding the JuD chief's detention.

India had earlier said only a credible crack down on the Mumbai terror attacks mastermind and terrorist organizations involved in cross border terrorism would be proof of Pakistan's sincerity. On Thursday, almost two days after Saeed was under house arrest, his name along with 38 was put on the Exit Control List by Pakistan.

The Interior Ministry forwarded a letter to all provincial governments and the Federal Investigation Agency, which included the names of 38 individuals belonging placed on the list, preventing them from leaving Pakistan. According to reports, all of the accused placed under house arrest are said to be linked with JuD or Lashkar-e-Taiba.

Hafiz Saeed who played a vital role in the 26/11 terror attack in Mumbai has been placed under a 90-day house arrest. Some reports suggest that Islamabad has been facing tremendous pressure from new US administration to take action against Saeed and his organisation.