NEW DELHI: A moderate intensity earthquake measuring 5.8 on Richter Scale on Monday night hit Uttarakhand, tremors of which were felt in Delhi and other parts of northern India. Tremors were felt in Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand also.

Uttarakhand, which falls in the Himalayan belt, is known for high seismic activities.

The world's deadliest earthquakes since 2000:

  • April 16, 2016: A magnitude 7.8 earthquake on Ecuador's central coast near the town of Muisne kills more than 660 people.

  •  April 25, 2015: A magnitude 7.8 earthquake in Nepal kills more than 8,000 people.

  • Aug. 3, 2014: More than 700 people die in a magnitude 6.2-quake near Wenping, China.

  • Sept. 24, 2013: A magnitude 7.7 quake strikes southwest Pakistan, killing more than 800 people.

  • March 11, 2011: A magnitude 9.0 quake off the northeast coast of Japan triggers a tsunami, killing more than 20,000 people.

  • Feb. 27, 2010: A magnitude 8.8 quake shakes Chile, generating a tsunami and killing 524 people.

  • Jan. 12, 2010: A magnitude 7.0 quake hits Haiti, killing up to 316,000 people according to government estimates.

  • Sept. 30, 2009: More than 1,100 people die when a magnitude 7.5 quake hits southern Sumatra, Indonesia.

  • April 6, 2009: A magnitude 6.3 quake kills more than 300 people in and around L'Aquila, Italy, about 90 kilometers (55 miles) south of the latest quake.

  • May 12, 2008: A magnitude 7.9 quake strikes eastern Sichuan in China, resulting in over 87,500 deaths.

  • Aug. 15, 2007: A magnitude 8.0 earthquake near the coast of central Peru kills more than 500 people.

  • May 26, 2006: More than 5,700 people die when a magnitude 6.3 quake hits the island of Java, Indonesia.

  • Oct. 8, 2005: A magnitude 7.6 earthquake kills over 80,000 people in Pakistan's Kashmir region.

  • March 28, 2005: A magnitude 8.6 quake in northern Sumatra in Indonesia kills about 1,300 people.

  • Dec. 26, 2004: A magnitude 9.1 quake in Indonesia triggers an Indian Ocean tsunami, killing 230,000 people in a dozen countries.

  • Dec. 26, 2003: A magnitude 6.6 earthquake hits southeastern Iran, resulting in 50,000 deaths.

  • March 25, 2002: About 1,000 people are killed in a magnitude 6.1 quake in northern Afghanistan.

  • Jan. 26, 2001: A magnitude 7.7 quake strikes Gujarat in India, killing 20,000 people.

(With inputs from AP)