New Delhi: External Affairs Minister Dr S. Jaishankar held talks with visiting Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan al Saud at the Hyderabad House here on Sunday during which the two sides discussed the developments in Afghanistan and ways to further expand bilateral ties in areas of defence, trade, investment and energy.

Describing the meeting as “cordial and productive”, Jaishankar and he had a “very useful exchange” of views with Al Saud on Afghanistan, the Gulf region and the Indo-Pacific.

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“A cordial and productive meeting with Saudi FM HH @Faisalbinfarhan. Discussed our cooperation in the political, security and socio-cultural pillars of our strategic partnership. Very useful exchange of views on Afghanistan, the Gulf and the Indo-Pacific,” he tweeted.

Jaishankar said that he urged early resumption of direct flights to Saudi Arabia, adding that it was agreed to work closely on all Covid-related challenges.

“Urged early resumption of direct flights to Saudi Arabia. Agreed to work closely on all Covid-related challenges, including to travel,” he wrote on the micro-blogging platform.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in a release said both ministers discussed all issues related to their bilateral relationship and regional and international issues of mutual interest.

The MEA said the two ministers reviewed the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Council Agreement signed between both sides during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Saudi Arabia in October 2019.

“They expressed satisfaction at the meetings held under the Agreement and progress achieved. Both sides discussed further steps to strengthen their partnership in trade, investment, energy, defence, security, culture, consular issues, health care and human resources,” the MEA added.

The MEA further said both ministers exchanged views on the developments in Afghanistan and other regional issues and also discussed bilateral cooperation in multilateral forums such as the United Nations, G-20 and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

The External Affairs Minister congratulated Saudi Arabia on its successful Presidency of G-20 last year despite the Covid-19 pandemic.

Appreciating Saudi Arabia for the support provided to the Indian community during the Covid-19 pandemic, Jaishankar urged the country to further relax restrictions on travel from India.

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In the first ministerial trip from Saudi Arabia to India since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, Al Saud arrived in New Delhi on Saturday evening on a three-day tour.

The visiting Foreign Minister is scheduled to call on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday.