New Delhi: Hinting that she would escalate the attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government in the Lok Sabha, Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Mahua Moitra on Thursday tweeted a dare to what she called the “heckler team” of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to prepare for her speech.

“Am speaking this evening in Lok Sabha on President’s Address. Just wanted to give early heads up to @BJP to get heckler team ready & read up on imaginary points of order. Drink some gaumutra shots too,” she tweeted.

Moitra’s comments assume significance as her party colleague Saugata Roy had earlier on Wednesday accused the Centre of appointing the Governors, who work at odds with the state governments.

The 2022 Budget Session began earlier on January 31 with President Ram Nath Kovind’s address to both the Houses of Parliament.

The first part of the Budget Session, which will continue till February 11, will have 10 sittings.

The second part of the session will begin after a month-long recess from March 14 and conclude on April 8 in which there will be 19 sittings.

With a view to ensure Covid safety protocol, both the Houses of Parliament will function in shifts.

The proceedings in the Rajya Sabha, which began at 10 a.m. earlier in the day, continued till 3 p.m.

The Zero Hour (the time when the Members of Parliament can raise issues of urgent public importance), which usually runs for one hour, has been reduced to 30 minutes this time in the Rajya Sabha.

The proceedings in the Lok Sabha will take place from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.