The message has been shared on both WhatsApp and social media like Facebook, Twitter. In the message, people are urged not to consume Paracetamol P-500 tablets, which are bright white in colour.
The rumor had not only become the talk-of-the-town in India, but also in Indonesia, where the government had to intervene.
Paracetamol –P 500
It is an OTC medicine, which means it can brought without doctor’s prescription, also a person can sell the medicine outside a pharmacy.
To find the truth behind the social media claims, ABP News reporter spoke to Indian medical association chairperson K.K Aggarwal. Speaking on the same, Dr KK Aggarwal said Paracetamol is a safest medicine and is called as a medicine of every household.
“This news is completely hoax and should not be believed”.
Speaking on the same, another senior doctor, Dr Kushal Mishra said every medicine that lands in the market undergoes various levels of tests and thereafter receives certification. If there is a lapse at every level, only then such a medicine can land in market, which is highly unlikely.
Therefore, the social media claims regarding Paracetamol-500 are false.