Aam Aadmi Party supremo Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of orchestrating an attack on him during a 'padyatra' on Friday in west Delhi's Vikaspuri. He also dared the BJP to contest polls. The AAP leaders, including Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, had slammed the saffron party for the alleged incident, claiming that the attack was carried out "BJP goons" to "kill Kejriwal".

A day after the alleged incident, Kejriwal reiterated AAP's claims, while addressing a gathering at Badli in northwest Delhi saying, "Yesterday, they (BJP) attacked me using their goons in Vikaspuri. Do you want to kill me? If you have the strength, contest the elections."

The 'padyatra' was part of a series of public rallies, which the AAP leaders have been conducting across Delhi, ahead of the next year's Assembly elections.

On Saturday, the AAP sharpened its attack at the BJP and alleged a "deep conspiracy" by the party to eliminate Kejriwal. He warned that the saffron party will be held responsible if anything happens to the AAP chief.

Addressing a press conference, AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said: "Police complicity in the incident (in Vikaspuri) clearly shows a deep conspiracy to kill Kejriwal. The BJP has become an enemy of his life." However, he stressed that despite the Vikaspuri incident, Kejriwal will continue to the 'padyatras' as per the party's schedule.

Singh claimed that the police did not do anything to prevent the attack and that they dealt the incident in an 'impartial' way. He also claimed that the attackers belonged to the BJP's youth wing.

"The police can take cognisance of the incident and conduct its probe," he said, adding that the AAP is taking legal opinion to decide the further course of action in the matter. 

ALSO READ: 'BJP Wants To Kill Arvind Kejriwal': AAP Alleges Supremo Attacked During 'Padyatra', Virendra Sachdeva Responds

Delhi Chief Minister Atishi held a 'padyatra' in Tughlakabad Assembly constituency on Saturday (October 26).

During the 'padyatra' she reiterated that the facilities of free water and free electricity will be stopped if Arvind Kejriwal does not become CM in the next term. Elections in Delhi are due to be held in February 2025, in which the ruling AAP is eyeing a fourth consecutive term. 

"The support we are getting in Tughlakabad Assembly constituency shows the amount of love of people of Delhi for Arvind Kejriwal. People of Delhi know that if Arvind Kejriwal doesn't become the CM again, then the facilities of free water and free electricity will be stopped. That's why people of Delhi have taken an oath to make Arvind Kejriwal the CM of Delhi for the fourth time in February next year," she said.