In a controversial statement, DMK MP DNV Senthilkumar described Hindi heartland states as "Gaumutra states," triggering a swift response from BJP leaders who condemned the remarks as being against "Sanatan Dharma" and questioned Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's stance on the matter.

During a debate in the Lok Sabha on two bills related to Jammu and Kashmir, Senthilkumar stated, "The power of the BJP is only winning elections in the heartland states of Hindi, what we generally call the 'Gaumutra' states." He further asserted that the BJP cannot make inroads into South India, citing the party's performance in states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

 "You cannot come to South India. You see all the results of what happens in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra, Telangana, and Karnataka. We are very strong over there. We will not be surpised if you have an option of converting all these states into Union Territories so that you can come into indirect power. Because you can never dream of setting foot over there and taking control of all the southern states," he remarked.

Responding to the comments, Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai condemned the MP's remarks, expressing concern over the declining discourse of the party. "After calling our North Indian friends Pani Puri sellers, toilet constructors, etc., I.N.D.I. Alliance DMK MP makes Gaumutra Jibes," Annamalai said, referring to previous controversial statements by DMK leaders.

He said the party "highly condemns this insensitive remark".

Hours later, the DMK parliamentarian apologised for the remark posting, "Commenting on the results of the five recent state assembly elections, I have used a word in a inappropriate way. Not using that term with any intent, I apologize for sending the wrong meaning across."

Disrespect Of 'Sanatani' Tradition: Union Minister Meenakashi Lekhi

Union Minister Meenakashi Lekhi criticised the remark, stating, "I think that is a disrespect of the 'Sanatani' tradition. DMK will soon get to know the benefits of 'Gaumutra.' They are very well aware that this will not be tolerated by the people of the country. Anyone who tries to play with the sentiments of the country will get a befitting reply from the public."

Lekhi suggested that such language was part of a "conspiracy."

Former Karnataka minister C T Ravi questioned if Congress leader Rahul Gandhi endorses such remarks. "Will I.N.D.I. Alliance leader Rahul Gandhi agree with this DMK man who has insulted Bharatiyas of the Heartland States? How long will CONgress and its allies insult Bharatiyas? (sic), he said on X.

Meanwhile, BJP Rajya Sabha member GVL Narasimha Rao demanded that the Tamil Nadu government register a case against the state minister for making hate speeches against Sanatan Dharma and urged their removal from office, news agency PTI reported.

ALSO READ | 'Unparliamentary': Congress As DMK MP Apologises For His 'Gaumutra States' Remark

Congress MP Karti Chidambaram Asks DMK Counterpart To Apologise

Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury distanced the party saying, "We have nothing to do with what an individual is saying inside the Parliament, it is his own statement. We respect 'Gau Mata', we don't have anything to say on this."

Congress MP Karti Chidambaram also condemned the remarks as he posted, "Very unfortunate choice of words. Unparliamentary. Must forthwith apologize & withdraw his comments"

The response comes as the Congress is an ally of the DMK in Tamil Nadu and the Dravidian party is also a constituent of the I.N.D.I.A. Opposition bloc.

The remarks by the DMK MP follow the recent assembly elections where the BJP secured a trip victory in the states of Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh while the Congress found some solace in winning Telangana.