New Delhi:  Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has banned the sale of Chinese made fire crackers and warned that strict guidelines have to be followed. Just in time for Diwali, the MP CM announced that there will a ban on Chinese or foreign made firecrackers in a move to protect the disadvantaged groups and to support the `vocal for local' campaign advocated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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“There is a provision of two years punishment for storage, distribution, sale and use of illegal firecrackers under the Section 9-B (1) (B) of the Explosives Act,” said Rajesh Rajoura, additional chief secretary home department according to a Hindustan Times report.

The Director-General, Foreign Trade (DGFT) informed that no license has been issued for the import of foreign or Chinese firecrackers making storage, transportation and sale of foreign firecrackers completely illegal.

Here is what other states have planned

Odisha: Keeping the health concerns in mind the Odisha government has banned the sale and use of firecrackers across the state from November 10th to 30th 2020 in the public interest. According to media reports, people found violating the order will punish under the provision of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, and other relevant laws.
According to a Telegraph report, a special relief commissioner said “It is a well-known fact that burning of the firecrackers releases copious amounts of harmful chemicals like nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc, which have a severe impact on the respiratory health of vulnerable groups. Such pollutants can further aggravate the health conditions of Covid-19 positive persons besides persons staying in home isolation.”

West Bengal: The state has also banned the bursting of firecrackers during Kali Puja. “The West Bengal government will not allow bursting of firecrackers during Kali puja and Diwali to check air pollution and also because they are hazardous for Covid-19 patients,” Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay said in the new order according to an India report.
Haryana: On Monday the state declared possession and sale of imported firecrackers as illegal and punishable in the state.

Rajasthan: The Rajasthan government announced a ban on the sale of firecrackers during the festive season in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The Ashok Gehlot-government said the decision to ban the sale of firecrackers has been taken in view of protecting the health of the corona-infected patients as well as keeping in view the health of the common people, who might feel uneasy with the smoke emanating from firecrackers. A ban on the temporary license for firecrackers sale has also been announced.

Delhi: During a press conference today, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal urged the people of Delhi to not burst crackers during Diwali. Kejriwal also said that on November 14th 2020 the AAP party will conduct Lakshmi Poojan which will be telecasted on TV live.