A divorced woman with two kids has been booked by the Jharkhand Police for allegedly ‘eloping’ with a teenaged girl from Dhanbad. Accusing the woman of luring the girl with the promise of a same-sex marriage, the latter’s family has lodged a "kidnap" complaint.

The police are probing all possible angles, including kidnapping, human trafficking, and marriage.  

The family urged senior police officers to take strict action against the woman and ‘rescue’ the girl. Both the woman and the teenaged girl were reported to be missing since September 15.

According to a source, the girl was a resident of the Bhooli area of Dhanbad and was purportedly in a romantic relation with the woman, much older than her. The girl’s family objected to the relation, but she continued with it. 

According to the girl’s family, the duo continued 'seeing' each other despite having been warned and told to sever all ties. The family alleged that both had stated their wish to marry each other. 

Soon after that, the duo went missing.  

The girl’s family searched for her high and low, but couldn’t find her. Her cellphone was also found switched off. 

After waiting for over three months for the girl to return, her family finally lodged a complaint on December 26. The girl’s mother told the police that such an incident had happened earlier as well, but they had returned within a week on that occasion. 

Dhanbad DSP Amar Kumar Pandey said that the police lodged a case based on the family’s complaint. According to the police, they were conducting raids at possible places where the woman could be hiding with the girl.  

"This could be a matter of human trafficking or same sex marriage. We are working on both the angles," police said.