New Delhi: Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu hours before submitting his resignation from the position of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief made some cryptic tweets. The resignation of Sidhu after Captian Amarinder Singh's resignation from the post of Punjab Chief Minister send ripples across the state thus highlighting the crisis within the congress party.

"Develop a stone-heart that can bear struggles. For the sake of the community, produce that head that can be cut. Inquilab Zindabad," Sidhu tweeted on Tuesday with a photo of Shaheed Bhagat Singh in the tweet.

Earlier on July 18, after months of tussle former cricketer, Navjot Singh Sidhu had taken over the position of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee chief from Sunil Jakhar. It is said that Sidhu was unhappy with the cabinet of the newly appointed Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi.

Sidhu in his resignation letter mentioned that he can never compromise with Punjab's future and agenda for the welfare of Congress. Sidhu has also mentioned that he will continue to serve the Congress party. In his resignation letter addressed to Sonia Gandhi, he writes, "The collapse of a man's character stems from the compromise corner. I can never compromise on Punjab's future and the agenda for the welfare of Punjab. Therefore, I hereby resign as the President of the Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee. I will continue to serve the Congress."

The series of events in the Punjab Congress can lead to a setback for the party in the upcoming 2022 assembly elections.