KOLKATA: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday threatened to demonstrate outside Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s residence against demonetisation, vowing to dislodge him from the seat of power if the scrapping of high value currency notes is not withdrawn.

  • "The entire country is suffering. There is no money in banks, ATMS. So far 80 people have died due to the hardships caused by demonetisation. But Narendra Modi is having a sound sleep and giving lectures on taking the country towards cashless economy,” Mamata told a rally in Kolkata.

  • “Whoever opposes him, he will send CBI, ED, Income Tax after them to muzzle their voices. But he can’t muzzle my voice. I will again go to Delhi and raise my voice, take out protest march and if needed I will demonstrate in front of Modi’s house…I will not stop until and unless he is out of power,” Banerjee said.

  • “Why are you calling strikes? If you want to protest why don’t you hit the streets and give slogans against the Modi government? Strikes and bandhs don’t serve any purpose,” she added.

  • People are distressed. I believe such a step has not been taken anywhere worldwide. Suddenly Modi ji felt, he acts like God. He has done whatever he wants, without knowing the consequence. Ask him why there's scarcity of notes in banks. If there was ample notes in banks then nothing would have bothered us. Without any proper strategy he took the step," she said.

  • Today, I am taking pledge that whether I die or live, but will remove PM Modi from Indian politics, Mamata said.

The TMC supremo along with Trinamool Congress leaders and activists led a massive rally in the heart of Kolkata. She lauded intellectuals for playing a vital role in protesting against the "anti-people" decision. Banerjee herself raised slogans like "Modi sarkar hai hai" and "Tanashahi nahi chalegi".

(With ipnuts from PTI and ANI)