New Delhi: PM Narendra Modi, on Friday addressed the people, while speaking at book release function in Parliament House, on occasion of the Constitution Day. The main points of PM’s speech revolved around demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes, and people opposing it.

  • PM said, “Everyone has right to use their money but, today World is changing, money is not just available physically; must move towards cashless economy”


  • Those criticising demonetisation move don't have problem with Government’s preparedness; they have problem that they didn't get time to prepare: Prime Minister Narendra Modi


  • PM also attempted to raise the morale of people in favour of demonetisation, saying “The common citizen of India has become a soldier against corruption and black money”


  • Commenting on the Constitution day, PM said “It is important to be connected with the spirit of the Constitution, not only be aware of the various articles of the Constitution”


  • He also said that “We celebrate Jan 26 with pride, but without Nov 26, Jan 26 is incomplete”