India's President, Ram Nath Kovind, in his Constitution Day address to the nation said the development journey of India has been progressing on the strength of the Constitution. He also spoke about the importance of having a strong opposition in a democracy.

He stressed the importance of having a strong opposition but also urged political parties to act in India's interest. President Ram Nath Kovind was speaking in the Central Hall of the Indian Parliament.

"The opposition is, in fact, the most important element of a democracy. The truth is that democracy becomes ineffective without an effective opposition," said the President of India.

"It is expected that the Government and the Opposition, despite their differences, continue to work together in the best interests of the citizens," he added.

The President spoke about the role of women in drafting the constitution. "In our country, not only women were given the right to vote from the beginning, but many women were members of the Constituent Assembly. They also made an unprecedented contribution in the making of the Constitution," said the President. 

The President also released a digital copy of the original calligraphed Constitution of India. 

President Kovind concluded the speech by reading out the Constitution of India.