New Delhi: Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray took an indirect jibe at BJP's performance in the Delhi polls commenting that by listening to Aam Aadmi Party's Jan ki Baat , the people of Delhi have shown that now Man ki Baat will no longer be relevant in the country.

Without referring to Bharatiya Janata Party by name, he said the verdict in Delhi elections has shattered the impression that "those who are with us are patriotic" and "those opposing us are traitors".

A former ally of the BJP, Thackeray said the incumbent nationalistic dispensation at the Centre had deployed its full might in the elections, but could not withstand the power of the humble 'broom' (AAP's symbol).

"They had fielded top leaders in the poll campaign, Arvind Kejriwal was even labeled as 'anti-national', they sought to divert attention from local issues by raising irrelevant international issues to misguide the voters. But they failed to defeat Kejriwal," said Thackeray.

The CM lauded the people of Delhi for standing rock solid behind a person honestly committed to 'vikas' (development) and reimposed their faith in democracy.

"On behalf of Maharashtra and Shiv Sena, my heartiest congratulations to the people of Delhi and Kejriwal and we wish them the best of luck in their future development path," Thackeray said.

Earlier, top leaders of all the three allies in the ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi government - the Shiv Sena, Nationalist Congress Party and the Congress -- hailed the AAP's resounding victory in Delhi.