People in Delhi are disturbed by the heat for several days, but July 7 has been considered the hottest day in the last decade. The capital's maximum temperature on Wednesday is 42.6 degrees Celsius that was six degrees above normal, while the minimum temperature was 29.5 degrees Celsius, which is two degrees above normal.
At the same time, the air level was maximum 71 and minimum 32 percent during this period. While the maximum temperature was recorded at 34 degrees Celsius in the year 2011, since then yesterday has been considered as the hottest day of the decade on July 7, Although the Meteorological Department has predicted rain in Delhi-NCR in the next 24 hours.
Also, a yellow alert has been issued for the whole week. According to reports, the humidity levels in Delhi were reportedly very high on July 7, which made people worse off with sweat. It is believed that for the first time in the last 15 years, the monsoon is coming so late, due to which Delhi is facing scorching heat during the rainy season.
Delhi witnesses late arrival of monsoon this year
According to the information, in the year 2006, the monsoon started on July 9. While the monsoon arrived in Delhi on June 25 last year, this time the incessant westerly winds are reducing rainfall in Delhi, Chandigarh, Punjab, and Haryana areas.
Delhi Witnesses yellow alert for the entire next week
According to the Meteorological Department, light rain and strong wind can be expected after Wednesday. Therefore, the Meteorological Department has issued a yellow alert for the whole week. At the same time, the temperature of Delhi is likely to remain 34 degrees Celsius for the whole week.