New Delhi: Delhi Police Crime Branch on Wednesday filed a chargesheet before Karkardooma Court in connection with the killing of Intelligence Bureau (IB) personnel Ankit Sharma during violent communal clashes in East Delhi earlier this year. The case will be considered in the court on June 16.

At least thirty-four people were killed and over 200 injured in the communal clashes that broke out in northeast Delhi in February this year after violence between anti and pro Citizenship (Amendment) Act groups spiralled out of control.

During clashes, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and councilor  and Municipal Councillor from Nehru Vihar, Tahir Hussain was accused of instigating the protests and even plotting the murder of IB official Ankit Sharma's death at the hands of the mob during the violence that erupted in Delhi.

Family members of Sharma, whose body was recovered from the northeast Delhi's Chand Bagh area in Delhi, had alleged that a few people who were pelting stones from the building belonging to Hussain in Chand Bagh, had killed Sharma.

Sharma’s father had alleged that Hussain, whose office is located near Chand Bagh Pulia, gathered men who were pelting stones and petrol bombs during the violence which led to tension and fear among local residents.

This comes a day after Delhi police filled a fresh chargesheet in the Metropolitan Megistrate claiming that suspended AAP councillor Tahir Hussain "prepared for the riots well in advance".

The chargesheet which runs into 1,030 pages names Hussain, his brother and 15 others as accused relying upon the testimonies of over 75 witnesses. The chargesheet hints that Hussain had planned the riots well in advance because all the CCTV cameras installed near his house were shut.