New Delhi: As the model code of conduct is in place ahead of assembly polls next month, the Delhi Public Works Department has asked all its chief engineers to provide list of those project works which have already started on the ground and those which are yet to begin. The department has asked for the list of such works at the earliest after the Election Commission sought the same. Delhi will go to polls on February 8 to elect 70 members and the results will be declared on February 11.

In a written communication to all chief engineers, the PWD said the department has sought details of such works on January 9 and the office of Delhi Chief Electoral Office on January 14.

"You are again requested to send the information on priority through email "" \ under intimation to this office," said the written communication issued on Friday.

It also stated that the list of works which have already been started on the ground and list of fresh work which has not started on the ground should be sent.

Earlier this month, the services department of the Delhi government had asked HoDs to ensure that neither the proposals sent by them breach the model code of conduct nor the compliance of court orders are delayed due to the fear of their breach.

"All departments of the government of National Capital Territory of Delhi, while forwarding proposals to the chief secretary for consideration or approval, should clearly mention that provisions of the Model Code of Conduct are not attracted," it had said.