New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal along with Deputy CM Manish Sisodia on Saturday reached the spot near Mundka metro station where a massive fire broke out in a 3-storey commercial building. CM Kejriwal announced that the Delhi government has ordered a magisterial inquiry into the incident. Families of the deceased will be given Rs 10 lakhs compensation while the injured will be given Rs 50,000 compensation. 27 people were reported to have been killed in the incident while 29 people are still missing including 24 women and 5 men.

"It was a massive fire, many people were killed, and their bodies were charred to the extent that they couldn't be identified. We have deployed help to identify the missing & the dead," the Delhi Chief Minister said as he announced the Rs 10 lakhs compensation for families of the deceased.

According to news agency ANI, a fire official at the spot said that the death toll might increase to 30 with more remains recovered.

"In the morning we have got some more remains, seems like the bodies of 2-3 people. The death toll might reach 30. The fire increased rapidly due to lots of plastic material in the building," the official said.

"Meeting of 50 people was underway when the fire broke out. As the door was closed they were trapped inside. Rescue work is over and we are winding it up," he added.

The fire broke out on the first floor of the building near Mundka metro station which is the office of a CCTV and router manufacturing company. 

The police have taken the owners of the business, Harish Goel and Varun Goel, in custody while the building owner, identified as Manish Lakra, who lived on the top floor is absconding. 

During the investigation, it has been revealed that the commercial building did not have a fire NOC.

Police have registered an FIR registered under sections IPC 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 308 (attempt to commit culpable homicide),120 (concealing design to commit offence punishable with imprisonment), 34 (acts done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) in the matter, ANI reported.