New Delhi: Two Delhi Police constables were suspended for allegedly extorting money from an accident victim who later succumbed to his injuries, the police said on Monday.

Posted at the Kotwali Police Station in north Delhi, the policemen were accused of forcefully taking Rs 2300 from the driver of a mini truck who was involved in an accident  on late Saturday night, they said.

The truck had rammed into some police barricades in Kotwali and went on to hit other vehicles before overturning, they added.

While the constables maintained that they had taken the victim to the hospital where he died, the deceased's family alleged that the duo had extorted money from the victim and also delayed his admission to the hospital, the police said.

The family even alleged that the victim was taken to the police station and thrashed by the constables before being hospitalised.

Following the allegations, an inquiry was initiated and the policemen were suspended.

The post-mortem examination was carried out and the report is awaited, the police said.