The Delhi High Court on Thursday, said that there is no scope for judicial interference in the matter seeking removal of Arvind Kejriwal from the position of Delhi Chief Minister. The high court junked the PIL filed by one petitioner to remove Kejriwal from the CM post after his arrest by the Enforcement Directorate in Delhi Liquor Policy Case.
"Show us, where is the prohibition? Show us any legal bar which you're canvassing." The Acting Chief Justice Manmohan asked the petitioner seeking removal from court. He said it is for the executive to decide.
The court heard the PIL and observed that since there is no legal bar on Kejriwal to continue in his position as Delhi CM, the court cannot interfere. The court however said that if there is a constitutional failure then a President or LG will act on it. The court cannot ask for imposition of President's rule.
The ACJ Manmohan also said that the court should not get into politics and it is a matter for the Executive to decide. The high court further said that the court has not commented on the merits of the petition.