Former Jammu and Kashmir governor Satya Pal Malik and a few other Khap leaders protested at a New Delhi police station on Saturday after being denied permission to hold a meeting in a south Delhi park, according to officials who denied reports that he had been detained. Satya Pal Malik is a former governor of Jammu and Kashmir who has been summoned by the CBI in connection with an alleged insurance "scam." Here are the top developments of the day: 

Malik Along With Supporters Arrive At R K Puram Police Station: 

Malik said he and his supporters had gone to the R K Puram Police Station to protest as he had been prevented from providing food to Khap leaders at the park. Malik questioned the police action. They all reportedly left the police station around 2:30 pm, according to the police.

No Violations Of Rule As No Body Scheduled To Speak: Malik Supporter

The meeting was called by Malik and a group of khap leaders, according to senior Haryana-based farmer leader Gurnam Singh Chaduni, but nobody was scheduled to speak at the location. Where is there a rule violation in this, he questioned.

MCD Park No Place To Hold Meeting: Police

Malik was expected to attend the meeting, which was slated to take place at the MCD park in R K Puram, PTI reported citing a police officer.

He claimed that the former governor of Jammu and Kashmir had been informed that this location was inappropriate for a meeting and that he had not obtained permission from the relevant authorities.

The officer continued: "Subsequently, he and his supporters left the area and made their way to the R K Puram police station.

Malik Came On His Own, Not Detained: Police Issued Statement

In a statement, the Delhi Police denied rumours that Malik had been detained and stated that he had arrived at the police station "of his own volition."

Former governor Satya Pal Malik has not been taken into custody. He arrived at the R K Puram police station of his own accord with his supporters, and we told him that he is free to leave at any time, according to Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southwest) Manoj C.

READ MORE | Former J&K Governor Satya Pal Malik Was Not Detained, He Came To R K Puram Police Station On His Own: Delhi Police

Wanted To Provide Supporters Food: Malik Outside R K Puram Police Station 

Before going to the police station, Malik told the media that he wanted to bring food to the Khap leaders who were in the park.

"Since I don't have a lot of room in my house, I chose to feed them here (at the park). They (the police) have received orders from somewhere to forbid the gathering and allow me to provide food for them. I said, "Arrest me, and I'll go with you." When questioned about what the police had said, he replied, "(They said) will not allow." "Why should we travel to a different location? We'll conduct a Satyagraha at the police station...I'm going to protest at the R K Puram police station, he said.

Malik has been asked by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to provide information regarding an alleged insurance scam in Jammu and Kashmir.

Malik, who has held the office of governor of several states, will be questioned by the federal agency for the second time in seven months. Malik was interrogated by CBI investigators in October of last year after he finished serving as governor of Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Goa, and then Meghalaya.

The CBI action comes just a week after Malik gave an interview to "The Wire" in which he criticised the BJP-led Centre, particularly regarding how it handled Jammu and Kashmir, where he served as the final governor before the former state was divided into Union territories.