New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said the markets, which were allowed to stay open till 8 p.m. in view of the coronavirus situation, can stay open according to their normal timing from Monday due to the decline in Covid-19 cases.

“In view of the coronavirus situation, the markets were presently allowed to stay open till 8 pm. This time limit is being done away with from Monday due to the decline in Covid-19 cases. The markets can now stay open according to their normal timing,” Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi.

The Chief Minister’s remarks came as no death was recorded due to the novel coronavirus in Delhi on Saturday.

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According to data shared by the city health department, 19 fresh Covid-19 cases were reported, which is the lowest since April 15 last year.

This is the twelfth time that zero fatality has been logged in a day since the starting of the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in the national capital.

No death due to Covid-19 was recorded on July 18, July 24, July 29, August 2, August 4, August 8, August 11, August 12, August 13, August 16 and August 20, PTI reported the official data as saying.

The national capital had earlier on March 2 this year reported zero death due to the coronavirus.